The boat for those like us

Yes, guys, our trip didn’t stop at the outboard engines. Could we possibly stay calm for a while? We didn’t make it! Let’s say we got to like this and went beyond, trying to invent something to have fun as usually together.
And what came out? Our Magu 5.5.
What’s that? A really cool boat, we fall in love with every time we look at it! I’ll tell you how it started…
Between a working day and our weekends spent fishing we chat about many things, as usual. One has troubles with the children who are growing up, one has the girlfriend who wants to book a travel for New Year’s Eve, one will start a vegetable garden behind his house next year, one has to study for an exam at uni, one has to change his boat, cause he’s still going around with the one he used to when he was a teenager.
Well look at that, we all focus on the last point. “Buy this one”, “Buy this other one”, “Add this optional, add this other one”, long story short, countless suggestions and each one of us wants to have a voice, as if we had to buy the boat all together.
Suddenly, stroke of genius. “Guys, what if we create our boat by ourselves?”. Standing ovation. So we started to think how we wanted it and what couldn’t absolutely miss. Little by little, our small boat was taking shape in our mind.
At this point we called our friend Domenico, the owner of the Cantiere Mimì in Naples and…surprise! Domenico made us see the model of this small boat and we haven’t had any doubt: it was what we wanted!
But our Magu couldn’t remain in obscurity, unknown. That’s why we gave it a good Hidea outboard 40 SK and decided to supply it in this special package.
And here’s Magu, in all its glory: simple, but peculiar…just like us!
Imagine yourselves lying on the bow sundeck enjoying the sunny day, or having a snack on the small lockable table…a bliss! Magu is cosy, thanks to the stowage room at the stern and the rod holder, but it is mainly cool: the ergonomic design console is so chic! Sorry, but it was love at first sight!
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